
Volume 47, No. 1

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First confirmed Band-rumped Storm Petrel Oceanodroma castro colony in the Hawaiian Islands




GALASE, N.K. 2019. First confirmed Band-rumped Storm Petrel Oceanodroma castro colony in the Hawaiian Islands. Marine Ornithology 47: 25 - 28

Received 23 March 2018, accepted 22 August 2018

Date Published: 2019/04/15
Date Online: 2018/11/27
Key words: Band-rumped Storm Petrel, Oceanodroma castro, crevice-nesting, colony discovery, Hawai'i, range expansion


The Band-rumped Storm Petrel Oceanodroma castro is an endangered subtropical pelagic seabird found along the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. We used a combination of acoustic monitoring, night vision surveys, dog searches, and remote camera surveillance to search for occupied nests, in support of the U.S. Army's natural resource management requirements in Hawai'i. We discovered a breeding colony at 2 113 m elevation on the northern slope of Mauna Loa within the U.S. Army's Pōhakuloa Training Area (PTA) on Hawai'i Island. Camera surveillance confirmed active breeding nests. Because this is the first confirmed location of a colony in Hawai'i, it deserves further investigation.


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