
Volume 44, No. 1

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Range-wide conservation and science of the Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa


1Carter Biological Consulting, 1015 Hampshire Road, Victoria, BC V8S 4S8, Canada (
2H.T. Harvey and Associates, 983 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA
3Center for Biological Diversity, 1212 Broadway, Suite 800, Oakland, CA 94612, USA
4California Audubon, 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA


CARTER, H.R., AINLEY, D.G., WOLF, S.G. & WEINSTEIN, A.M. 2016. Range-wide conservation and science of the Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa. Marine Ornithology 44: 53 - 62

Received 3 July 2015, accepted 17 February 2016

Date Published: 2016/04/15
Date Online: 2017/02/28
Key words: Ashy Storm-Petrel, Oceanodroma homochroa, California Current, introduced predator, Leach's Storm-Petrel, Oceanodroma leucorhoa, organochlorine pollution, population decline, seabird restoration


In February 2015, a special paper session about the range-wide conservation and science of the Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa (ASSP) was held at the Pacific Seabird Group annual meeting. The main goal was to share information amassed during the past 20 years on this species, which breeds almost entirely in California, United States, for formulating future research and conservation actions. One key result is the six papers on ASSP and two on Leach's Storm-Petrels O. leucorhoa in this issue of Marine Ornithology. In this introduction, we augment contributed papers with a summary of historic and recent knowledge about the ASSP breeding range, key conservation issues and data gaps. The largest breeding concentration is at the South Farallon Islands in central California, but four other concentrations occur in southern California at the Channel Islands (Prince, Santa Barbara-Sutil, northwest Santa Cruz and northeast Santa Cruz). Over the past two centuries, many ASSP breeding colonies have been affected by introduced mammals and human-altered breeding habitats. Population decline due to heavy avian predation has been documented at the South Farallon Islands since 1972; decline due to eggshell thinning from organochlorine pollutants is suspected in the Channel Islands since the 1950s. Eradication of introduced mammals, reduction of pollution and social attraction (vocalization broadcasting and artificial nest sites) have helped to restore population size at certain colonies.


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ADAMS, J., CARTER, H.R., McChesney, G.J. & WHITWORTH, D.L. 2016. Leach's Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa captured in mist nets in the California Channel Islands, 1976-2015. Marine Ornithology 44: 113-119.

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CARTER, H.R., McCHESNEY, G.J., JAQUES, D.L., STRONG, C.S., PARKER, M.W., TAKEKAWA, J.E., JORY, D.L. & WHITWORTH, D.L. 1992. Breeding populations of seabirds in California, 1989-1991. Volume I -- Population estimates. Dixon, CA: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center.

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CARTER, H.R., WHITWORTH, D.L., NEWMAN, S.H., PALACIOS, E., KOEPKE, J.S. HEBERT, P.N. & GRESS, F. 2006b. Preliminary assessment of the status and health of Xantus's Murrelets (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus) at Todos Santos Islands, Baja California, Mexico, in 2005. Davis, CA: California Institute of Environmental Studies; and New York, NY: Wildlife Trust.

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CARTER, H., WHITWORTH, D., HEBERT, P., ET AL. 2008b. Status of breeding seabirds in the San Miguel Island group, California. Victoria, BC: Carter Biological Consulting; and Davis, CA: California Institute of Environmental Studies.

CARTER, H.R., YEE, J.L., WELSH, D. & ANDERSON, D.W. 2008c. Organochlorine contaminants in Ashy Storm-Petrel eggs from Santa Cruz Island, California, in 1992-2008: preliminary findings. Victoria, BC: Carter Biological Consulting; and Sacramento, CA: US Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center.

CARTER, H.R., WHITWORTH, D.L., McIVER, W.R., McCHESNEY, G.J., OCHIKUBO CHAN, L.K., GRESS, F. & HEBERT, P.N. 2009. Status of the Xantus's Murrelet, Ashy Storm-Petrel, and Black Storm-Petrel at San Clemente Island, California. Victoria, BC: Carter Biological Consulting; and Davis, CA: California Institute of Environmental Studies.

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