
Volume 46, No. 1

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Breeding of the Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus in southern Chile


1 Feather Link, Inc. 1013 Westchester Way, Cincinnati OH 45244, USA
2 Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, Section of Ornithology, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90007, USA; current address: Casilla 15, Melipilla, Chile (


MARIN, M. 2018. Breeding of the Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus in southern Chile. Marine Ornithology 46: 57 - 60

Received 8 December 2016, accepted 5 February 2018

Date Published: 2018/4/15
Date Online: 2018/3/12
Key words: census, breeding, Southern Giant Petrel, Macronectes, Isla Noir, southern Chile.


Here I review the current knowledge of the breeding status of the Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus in Chile and provide new data on the population at Isla Noir in the Región de Magallanes. Breeding numbers on Isla Noir are approximately six times greater than previously reported for the entire country, including all offshore islands except for the Diego Ramirez Archipelago, for which information is sparse. Here, I also describe the nests and eggs of this species found in Isla Noir, as well as feeding behavior, including consumption of carrion but also active hunting in penguin colonies. Only the Southern Giant Petrel, and not the Northern Giant Petrel M. halli, has been seen within Chilean fiords and nearshore waters.


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