
Volume 52, No. 1

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Insights into the ecology and conservation of coastal Brazil seabirds based on band returns.


1Instituto de Pesquisas Cananéia, Avenida Luiz Rangel, 1167, Carijo, Cananéia, São Paulo, CEP 11.990-000, Brazil (
2Instituto Gremar, Rua João Ruiz, 799 - Jd. Las Palmas, Guarujá/São Paulo, CEP 11420-350, Brazil
3Instituto Argonauta, Travessa Baitacas, 20, Perequê-Açu, Ubatuba, São Paulo, CEP 11.695-240, Brazil
4Instituto Biopesca, Rua Carlos Eduardo Conte de Castro 93, Canto do Forte, Praia Grande, São Paulo, CEP 11700-570, Brazil
5Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE, Rodovia Duque de Caxias 6365, Iperoba, São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, CEP 89.240-000, Brazil
6Universidade Federal do Paraná, Avenida Beira Mar, SN, Bairro Pontal do Sul, Pontal do Paraná, Paraná, CEP 83.255-000, Brazil
7Instituto Ecoema de Estudos e Conservação do Meio Ambiente, Rua Alexandre de Gusmao, 174, Cidade Nova Peruíbe, Peruíbe, CEP 11.750-000, São Paulo, Brazil


CHUPIL, H., FARAH, R.F., MARANHO, A., BARBOSA, C.B., LEONARDI, S., CABRAL, J., VIEIRA, J.V., ROSA, L. & VALLE, R.R. 2024. Insights into the ecology and conservation of coastal Brazil seabirds based on band returns.. Marine Ornithology 52: 37 - 44

Received 15 February 2023, accepted 24 July 2023

Date Published: 2024/04/15
Date Online: 2024/02/10
Key words: beach monitoring, PMP-BS, rehabilitation, seabirds, seabird movements


Banding is the main method used to mark and identify individual birds, and to study populations, migration, age, and behavior. Banding birds also plays an important role in rehabilitation efforts, as their recapture provides good information about the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, allowing constant review of the rehabilitation protocols used. This study compiles information on banded birds retrieved at the Santos Basin Beach Monitoring Project (Projeto de Monitoramento de Praias da Bacia de Santos, PMP-BS), and it reviews the ecological and behavioral aspects involved in species' movements that contributed to their arrival at the beach. We also provide results of autopsies and clinical information on rehabilitation. Herein, we report on 235 banded birds (16 found more than once) between Rio de Janeiro (Saquarema) and Santa Catarina (Laguna), southeast Brazil, between August 2015 and February 2021. Eighteen species are represented, belonging to four orders and nine families. Among the causes of weakness or death, anthropic interactions (e.g., fishing, aggression, and garbage ingestion) and exhaustion (mainly in migratory species) stand out. Our findings highlight the importance of banding and recapturing birds as an efficient and effective method to better understand the ecology and displacement of mobile species.


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