
Volume 50, No. 2

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Successful breeding by Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla at the only colony along Canada's Pacific coast


1Science Faculty, Coast Mountain College, 353 5th Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia V8J 3L6, Canada (
2Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada
3Wildlife and Landscape Science, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Delta, British Columbia, Canada


HART, K.A., WRIGHT, K.G., PATTISON, V. & HIPFNER, J.M. 2022. Successful breeding by Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla at the only colony along Canada's Pacific coast. Marine Ornithology 50: 115 - 117

Received 25 January 2022, accepted 03 February 2022

Date Published: 2022/10/15
Date Online: 2022/07/22
Key words: British Columbia, Black-legged Kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla, fledgling


The Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla is a widely distributed and well-studied northern hemisphere seabird. Authoritative publications document the existence of breeding colonies in Canada's Arctic and Atlantic regions but not in the Pacific region. We visited the small (ca. 50 pairs in recent years) kittiwake breeding colony at Holland Rock, British Columbia, in July and August 2021, and documented what we believe to be the first record of successful breeding at this site. Previous records have documented successful breeding no further south than 58° latitude in Alaska, ~600 km to the north, making Holland Rock the southernmost colony in the eastern Pacific.


CAFF (CONSERVATION OF ARCTIC FLORA AND FAUNA). 2020. International Black-legged Kittiwake Conservation Strategy and Action Plan. Akureyri, Iceland: Circumpolar Seabird Expert Group, CAFF.

COULSON, J.C. & THOMAS, C.S. 1985. Changes in the biology of the Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla: A 31-year study of a breeding colony. Journal of Animal Ecology 54: 9-26.

GILL, V.A. & HATCH, S.A. 2002. Components of productivity in Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla: response to supplemental feeding. Journal of Avian Biology 33: 113-126.

HATCH, S.A., BYRD, G.V., IRONS, D.B. & HUNT, G.L., JR. 1993. Status and ecology of kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla and R. brevirostris) in the North Pacific. International Symposium of the Pacific Seabird Group, Canadian Wildlife Service, and the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Wildlife Service. 14 pp.

HATCH, S.A., ROBERTSON, G.J. & BAIRD, P.H. 2020. Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), version 1.0. In: BILLERMAN, S.M. (Ed.) Birds of the World. Ithaca, USA: Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

HÁTÚN, H., OLSEN, B. & PACARIZ, S. 2017. The dynamics of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre introduces predictability to the breeding success of kittiwakes. Frontiers in Marine Science 4: 123. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00123

HEARNE, M.E. 2015. Black-legged Kittiwake. In: DAVIDSON, P.J.A., CANNINGS, R.J., COUTURIER, A.R., LEPAGE, D. & DI CORRADO, C.M. (Eds.) The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of British Columbia, 2008-2012. Delta, Canada: Bird Studies Canada.

RODWAY, M.S., CAMPBELL, R.W., & LEMON, M.J.F. 2016. Seabird Colonies of British Columbia: A Century of Changes. Wildlife Afield 13: 1-298.

VIHTAKARI, M., WELCKER, J., MOE, B. ET AL. 2018. Black-legged Kittiwakes as messengers of Atlantification in the Arctic. Scientific Reports 8: 1178. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-19118-8

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