
Volume 52, No. 1

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Presumed Fuegian Storm Petrels Oceanites oceanicus chilensis off São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea, and in the North and South Atlantic oceans.



1FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, Department of Science and Technology - National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa (
2Center for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), CHANGE Institute for Global Change and Sustainability, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Edifício C2, 5º Piso, Sala 2.5.15b Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal; and Gulf of Guinea Biodiversity Centre, São Tomé, Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe
3Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, InBio, Laboratório Associado, Universidade do Porto, Campus Agrãrio de Vairão, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal; BIOPOLIS Program in Genomics, Biodiversity and Land Planning, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Campus de Vairão, 4485-661 Vairão, Vila do Conde, Portugal; Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal; and FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, Department of Science and Technology - National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa
41001 Third Line East, Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, P6A 6J8, Canada


FLOOD, R.L., LIMA, R., MELO, M. & ZUFELT, K. 2024. Presumed Fuegian Storm Petrels Oceanites oceanicus chilensis off São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea, and in the North and South Atlantic oceans.. Marine Ornithology 52: 165 - 171

Received 27 October 2023, accepted 20 December 2023

Date Published: 2024/04/15
Date Online: 2024/04/14
Key words: Wilson’s Storm Petrel, Fuegian Storm Petrel, storm petrel range, storm petrel identification


This note summarises key identification criteria for Fuegian Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus chilensis that permit field separation from Wilson's Storm Petrel O. o. oceanicus/exasperatus. Multiple sightings of presumed Fuegian Storm Petrel off São Tomé are considered in the light of these identification criteria. Here, we establish a provisional range for presumed Fuegian Storm Petrels in the Atlantic based on relevant literature, photographs in the Macaulay Library, and responses to social media requests.


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MURPHY, R.C. 1936. Oceanic Birds of South America. New York, USA: The American Museum of Natural History.

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